On the 4th day of our Turgutlu Mobility, a cultural trip to Teos-Sığacık-İzmir was held.
Second Day in Turgutlu LTT
Training on making game characters with Photoshop program was given.Game software companies were visited in Manisa Technopolis.
Fifth Day in Turgutlu LTT
On the last day of our Turgutlu mobility, coded games were exhibited in all project activities.
The ThirdDay in Turgutlu
Students continued their game coding studies with Construct 3.0. Sports activities were held in the school garden. A KAHOOT ...
First Day in Turgutlu
We hosted Turgutlu, the last activity of our K229 Erasmus project, Coding Digital Education Games, between 28 May and 2 June 2023. On the 1st day of the mo ...